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Ming Di


Ming Di (邸明)


MailSchool of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences, 388 Lumo Road, Wuhan,

Hubei, P.R.C. 430074 (University Address)

Phone: (86)-13098837287

Email: 895149634@qq.com

Master supervisor, Associate Professor ,School of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences , Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China 430074 


Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature (19 83)

Hebei Normal Unversity

Master of Science in Education (2001)

Harding University of U.S.A


  • Outstanding      Party Mamber of CUG, 2018

  • Outstanding      Teacher of FLS of CUG 


Associate Professor of School of Foreign Languages (Since 2019), CUG(China University of Geosciences)

BA Courses: Comprehensive English(III, IV)

MTI Course: Business Translation

Tutor of School of Foreign Languages (Since 1999), CUG 

Research Projects

  • Translation      of Specifications for Geotechnical Investigation of Water Transport      Engineering (2015096073,Grant 6,000yuan), 2016. Completed

  • A      Research on Case Base of Business Translation based on Knowledge Network研字【2015】47Grant 20,000RMB2015-7. Completed

  • A      Course Costruction of A Survey of Britain and the United States  (Grant 20,000RMB), 2013-2015Cpmpleted

  • A      Resear on the Application of Modern Educational Technology in College      English Teaching (2002099016,      Grant:20,000RMB), 2002-2004, Completed 

Textbooks and Articles:

1. Editor of A New Survey of English-Speaking Countries(Textbook).Published by Central China Normal University Press. 2012

2. Editor of CET4 Vocabulary Essentials. Published by Zhigong Publishig House. 2003,05,07

3. Di, Ming (2012). The Teaching of Context and Cultural Consiousness in Business Interpretation Class. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching.

4. Di, Ming (2008) A Comparative Study of English and French Proverbs.

5. Di, Ming2008A Study on Cultural Input in English Teaching Based on Sociolinguistic.

6. Di, Ming(2007) An Analysis of Positive And Negative Emotions in College English Teaching.

7. Di, Ming(2006)A Tentative Analysis to College English Cultural Competence Cultivation


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