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Kang Li


Kang Li(李慷)


MailSchool of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences, 388 Lumo Road, Wuhan,

Hubei, P.R.C. 430074 (University Address)

Email: likang@cug.edu.cn

Master supervisor, Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences , Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China 430074



Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature (1995)

Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China


Master of Arts in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (2005)

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China


Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature (2020)

Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China



Associate Professor of School of Foreign Languages (Since 2010), CUG

MA Courses: Western Literary Theory

BA Courses: English Reading, English Writing, Western Literary Theory

Lecturerof School of Foreign Languages (Since 2000), CUG

BA Courses: Intensive Reading, English Writing, An Introduction to Linguistics

Tutor of School of Foreign Languages (Since 1995), CUG

BA Courses: College English Reading, Intensive Reading


Research Projects

  • Theodicy and Chinese      Classical Thought: A Comparative Study of Book of Job, Upanishads, and      Analects (Grant 30,000 RMB), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central      Universities, Ministry of Education of China,2010-2014. Completed



  1. Li, Kang2020. Tragedy Transcendence: A Study of O’Connor’s Short Stories      through Space Theory. English and American Literary Studies.

  2. Li, Kang, Huang, Jingcheng2017.The      Idea of General Education and Practice of English General Core Course: A      Case Study on “Axial Civilization” Course. Contemporary Foreign Languages      Studies. 0455-80.

  3. Li, Kang, Liu, Fang (2016).Three Voices      of Jennie and Hurston’s Choice. Fudan Forum on Foreign Languages and      Literature. NO.01:16-23.

  4. Wang, Weihong, Li, Kang, Tang, Xiaoyun2015.Reconsider English and English Education      in the Framework of Globalization.Journal of China University of      Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition). 06144-152.

  5. Liu, Fang, Dong, Yuanxin, Li, Kang2013. A Study on Chinese University English      Teachers’ Critical Thinking Skills. Technology      Enhanced Foreign Language Education.1166-80.

  6. Dong, Yuanxin, Li, Kang2011. The      Problem of Theodicy and Salvation Through Razor’s Edge: A Reading      of Maugham’s Self-Perfection RoadThrough Weber’s Sociology of Religion.Foreign      Language and Literature. 0514-16.

Conference Presentations:

  1. “Community Construction and Dilemma in Ethnic Literature”, presented in“The 13th Symposium of China Association      for the Study of American Literature”October 19, 2019Chongqing University, Chongqing.

  2. “Community of Shared Future and Community Dilemma in Ethnic      Fiction”, presented in“International      Conference of Anthropocene and the Community of Shared Future”October 12, 2019Lanzhou Jiaotong University,      Lanzhou.

  3. “Tragedy Transcendence: A Study of O’Connor’s Short Stories      through Space Theory”, presented in“The Fourth      SSCI and A&HCI Journal Writing Workshop”July 20, 2019Guanxi Normal University, Guilin.

  4. “Thick Description of Trauma: War Writing in Asian-American Literature      from New Historicism”, presented in2019 Symposium on Asian American      Literature”, June 22, 2019China Renming University, Beijing.

  5. “Imagined and Imaginary: A Reflection on Community Dilemma in      Ethnic Novels From Perspective of Community Theory”presented in“Ethnic      Literature in the Global Perspective: The 6th International      Symposium on Ethnic Literature”, June 11, 2019Dalian University of      Foreign Languages, Dalian.  



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