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Youping Xu


Youping Xu (徐友萍)

MailSchool of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences, 388 Lumo Road, Wuhan,

Hubei, P.R.C. 430074 (University Address)

Phone: (86)-(27)-67883262

Email: mapyca027@qq.com

Master / Master supervisor, Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences , Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.C 430074


Bachelor of Russian language and literature,Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China


Master of Arts in Applied linguistics,Minsk State Linguistic University, Minsk, Belarus


Professional Activities:

Evaluation Experts  China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development CenterCDGDC

Senior International Business Engineer  Department of Commerce of Hubei province



Associate Professor of School of Foreign Languages (Since 2000), CUG

MA Courses: Advanced Russian audio-visual speaking, Business Russian, Russian Academic thesis writing

BA Courses: College Russian, Russian as a second foreign language, International trade practice

International Students Courses: Intermediate Comprehensive Chinese, Intermediate spoken Chinese, Intermediate Chinese writing, Elementary Listening Chinese

2002.10-2003.08  Visiting scholarHerzen university, St. Petersburg, Russia

2008.10-2010.08  Chinese Teacher  Minsk State Linguistic University, Minsk, Belarus

Chief Russian Translator2007 Wuhan - Central and South Asia Commodity Fair, China

Russian interpreter forthe leaders of Hubei Provincial Government, the Russian and Ukrainian delegations, the research institutes and listed companies in Wuhan, the delegation of the president of the Bulgarian Confucius Institute in Bulgarian

Simultaneous interpreter for the delegation of Russian headmasterin Wuhan


Research Projects

  • Russian      Chinese Dictionary of Double Interpretation of Catchwords in the new era,Scientific      Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars and Publication      Foundation funded by China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), 2003. In      Completion

  • The Customs      and Culture of Russia, Foundation Project for the Construction of Postgraduate      Courses and Teaching Materials of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan),      2009. In Completion

  • The Training      Mode of Bilingual Talents in the context of Internationalization, China      University of Geosciences (Wuhan), 2013. In Completion



  • Xu,      Youping (2017), the Classic of Tea (Chinese to Russian Translation).      Wuhan: Chongwen Press, Yangtze RiverPublishing Media.

  • Xu,      Youping (2012), Russian and Chinese colloquialism. Wuhan: China      University of Geosciences Press.

  • Xu,      Youping (2009), The Customs and Culture of Russia. Wuhan: China      University of Geosciences Press.

  • Xu,      Youping (2003), Russian Chinese Dictionary of Double Interpretation of      Catchwords in the new era. Wuhan: Chongwen Press, Yangtze RiverPublishing      Media.



1. Lu, Xiaolan and Youping Xu (2014). An analysis of greetings in Russian language

etiquette. Journal of Mudanjiang Normal University (Social Sciences)2014.04. ISSN 1003-6121. P.118-119

2. Wang, Furao and Youping Xu (2014). The Reality Interpretation of Gentleman from

San Francisco. Journal of Heihe University 2014.03. ISSN 1674-9499P. 78-81.

3. Lu, Xiaolan and Youping Xu (2014). On the characteristics of Putin's speech from the

perspective of rhetoric. The Youth Writers2014.07. ISSN 1002-2139. P.144-145.

Conference Presentations:

“Training mode of compound talents in the Major of Russian”, presented in the “2015 International Symposium on Characteristic Teaching of Russian Major in the Context of Internationalization”, May, 2013, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing

上一条:Hongyan Zhang 下一条:Xuanli Long


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