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Min Liu


Min Liu(刘敏)


MailSchool of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences, 388 Lumo Road, Wuhan,

Hubei, P.R.C. 430074 (University Address)

Phone: (86)-(27)-67883193

Email: 58955257@qq.com

Master supervisor, Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences ,Wuhan,Hubei,P.R. China 430074



Bachelor of Arts in English Language &Literature (1997-2001)

Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, People’s Republic of China


Master of Arts in China University of Geosciences(CUG) at Wuhan(2001-2004)

China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China


Master of Education in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2007-2008)

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Doctor of Philosophy in China University of Geosciences(CUG) at Wuhan(since 2018)

China University of Geosciences(CUG) at Wuhan, Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China



  • 2nd Prize      of the 6th “CUG Teaching Achievement Award”, 2008

  • 2nd Prize      of the 7th “Hubei Provincial Teaching Achievement Award”,2012

  • 7th      “CUG Outstanding Young Teacher Award”, 2012.

  • “ZhuxunAward      for Excellent Young Teachers”, 2015

  • 1st Place      for the 2nd Prize of the 9th “CUG Teaching Competition of Young Teachers”,      2017

  • “CUG Outstanding      Teachers from 2014 to 2016”, 2018



Associate Professor of School of Foreign Languages (Since 2014), CUG(China University of Geosciences)

BA Courses: College English, College English forPreparatory Classes, College English forExperimental Classes of Geosciences, Oral English (for ESS Class), Selected English Newspapers and Magazines

MA Courses: Scientific English Writing and Communication

Lecturerof School of Foreign Languages (Since 2007), CUG

BA Courses: College English, English Listening, Advanced English Translation, Advanced English Listening,

Tutorof School of Foreign Languages (Since 2004), CUG

BA Courses: Extensive Reading, Listening, Oral English


Major Research Projects in recent years (Pro. Liu has hosted over 10 research projects of provincial or university levels, and participated in over 20 research projects of national, ministerial, provincial as well as university levels)

  • A Study      on Moral Education Penetration in College English Teaching in View of      Curriculum Politics(2019G13,Grant 50,000yuan), 2019 Undergraduate Teaching      and Reform Project, CUG, 2019. In progress

  • A Study      on the Educational Function of College English Course—from the Perspective      of Cultural ConfidenceDXS20180008,Grant 8,000yuan, Fund of Hubei Provincial Key Research Bases      of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018. In progress

  • A Moral      Value Analysis on Current College English Textbooks in China,2018ZA063, Grant 4,000yuan, Key Project of 2018      Hubei Provincial Educational and Teaching Planning,2018. In progress

  • ……



  • Dong      Yuanxing, Zhou Hongtu, Zhang Lingli, Liu Min eds. (2015).New Horizon      College English: Reading and Writing (4). Beijing: Foreign Language      Teaching and Research Press.

  • Dong      Yuanxing, Zhou Hongtu, Zhang Lingli, Liu Min eds. (2013) .New College      English: Fast Reading (3). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University      Press.

  • ……



1.      Liu, Min and Pin Li (2019). Current Situation and Countermeasure of “Chinese Culture Aphasia” in College English Education in China. 2019 Asia-Pacific Conference on Advance in Education, Learning and Teaching (ACAELT 2019),Issue 3.

2.      Li, Pin and Liu Min (2019). On the Cross-Cultural Education of College English in the Context of Internationalization. 2019 Asia-Pacific Conference on Advance in Education, Learning and Teaching (ACAELT 2019), Issue 4.

3.      Liu, Min and Zhang Lingli (2019-09-18). Due Emphasis to be Paid to Cultural Confidence in College English Teaching. (Publish on en.people.cn).

4.      Liu, Min and Pin Li. On Building a Stronger Language Bridge for International Communication Capacity. Chinese Social Science Today(Newspaper).2019-09-17.

5.      Liu, Qianqian and Liu Min (2018). A Corpus-based Investigation on News Attitudes towards the Belt and Road Initiative. Overseas English.


上一条:Xuanli Long 下一条:Li Zhang


电话:027-67883262 邮箱:wycug@cug.edu.cn

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